Uniforms and Shoes

Uniforms and Shoes

School uniform will be worn to all clinical sites designated by the nursing school. All uniforms will be clean, wrinkle free, and well-fitting to allow for reaching and bending. Undergarments shall be neutral in color. White lab coat- mid thigh length. In cooler weather white T-shirts can be worn under the uniform, no sweaters or jackets are allowed at any time. Men shall wear a solid white T-shirt under the uniform top. Shirts will be zipped or button to the top always. White skid free leather or tennis shoes with closed heel and toe must be worn. White nylon or white socks must be worn. A second-hand watch is required. No large hoop earrings, bracelets, or necklaces are permitted except for a wedding ring. Student(s) may wear one small, pierced post earring per ear. Adornments that are attached (pierced) to exposed body parts including tongue piercing are prohibited. All neatly styled - clean hair should be pinned above the collar. Sideburns and beards should be neatly trimmed. Nails should be cleaned, short with clear polish. No artificial nails are allowed. No perfume, cologne, or fragrant lotions allowed in the clinical areas. Make up should be used with discretion. No gum permitted in the clinical/classroom setting. Violation of the dress code will result in dismissal by the clinical instructor or Program Director for that scheduled day. This will be noted as an unexcused absence. All students should shower daily, use deodorant, and practice good oral hygiene. Premiere International College lab coat can only be worn when representing Premiere International College PN and ASN Program. Clinical instructor, Program Director, or Administrator have the authority to NOT admit the student to class or clinical area(s) inappropriately dressed.

Additional Requirements

Watch with a second hand (not digital)

Bandage scissors

Regulation stethoscope

Black ink pen

Black Sharpie marker

Clinical packet as indicated by course syllabi - Estimated Cost of Packet $200.00

Laboratory kit as indicated by course syllabi - Estimated Cost of Packet $100.00

Request Info

We're glad to hear you are interested in learning more about PICollege. Before we get started, please let us know what type of student you're interested in becoming.

    Report Violations

    Executive Director

    Phone number 123 0039 68886

    Government Authorities

    Phone number 123 0039 68886