Social Media Policy

Social Media Policy

Premiere International College student(s) are responsible directly or indirectly (i.e. associate(s), friend(s), family, spouse, significant others, etc.) for the content they publish on profiles, blogs, or any other form of user- generated social media or electronic communications. Any violation of the Social Media Networking Policy will be automatic grounds for termination of the PIC Student from Premiere International College with no refund of tuition and possible grounds for litigation.
If the PIC Student(s) have any questions about publishing something on social media, seek input from your Program Director and, or administrator.
PIC Student(s) must be thoughtful and respectful about what you say or publish via any social media outlets.
Although PIC Student(s) should have no expectation of privacy when using the Internet, ensure the appropriate privacy settings are enabled on your account.
The posting of any type of photograph, video or audio recording of any instructor(s), director(s), staff member(s), student(s), externship site facility, client, customer, patient, child, parent, family member, or volunteer without permission on any social networking site is restricted.
PIC Student(s) are prohibited from discussing patient(s), co-student(s), instructor(s), director(s), staff member(s), externship site facility, and negative connotation about Premiere International College on social media, even if not identified.
PIC Student(s) are discouraged from “friending” patient or their families unless the relationship existed prior to the individual being treated at the Externship Clinical Site.
PIC Student(s) are not required or obligated to accept requests from co-student(s) or staff to become friends, follow, endorse, or associate to one another online.
If your PIC Co-Student(s) wants to create a Facebook group, blog or other social media page or site, the student must first get approval from the Administrator. All blog and website content must abide by all local, city, state and federal laws, including, but not limited to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA), privacy fair use, financial disclosure, and other applicable laws.
PIC Student(s) are prohibited from using PIC’s logo/trademarks or other intellectual property for commercial purposes in a way the use of the logo or trademark would lead a reader to conclude that the student was speaking on behalf of PIC or in violation of the law.
PIC Student(s) are prohibited from speaking on behalf of PIC or PIC co-student without prior written authorization from the Administrator.
PIC Student(s) must maintain the confidentiality of PIC trade secrets and private or confidential information. Trade secrets may include information regarding the development of systems, processes, products, know-how, and technology. Other examples PIC Students may not post may include but not limited to the following: client, customer, and patient information, confidential and academic information, proprietary data, internal memorandums, and all proposed and excreted organizational strategies, or negative comments concerning Premiere International College.
After PIC student(s) has graduated, withdrawn, or terminated from Premiere International College, the student(s) must follow and abide by the Social Media and Networking policy at Premiere International College. Any violation of the Social Media and Networking Policy will be possible grounds for litigation.

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    Report Violations

    Executive Director

    Phone number 123 0039 68886

    Government Authorities

    Phone number 123 0039 68886