Grade Requirements

Grade Requirements

At the start of each course, each student receives a syllabus outlining the course objectives, course units, textbooks, specific course standards, grading and evaluation and the clinical requirements. Students should refer to the detail of each course by each specific course syllabus to be followed.
Students are required to meet the following standards in every course: Student must achieve a course grade point average of C (75%) or above.
Students are required to pass all unit exams and the final exam with a minimum grade of 80% regardless of the final course GPA. Any student receiving a grade of 79.99 or below on a unit exam or final exam must meet with the Instructor and/or Program Director to determine the method by which the student will demonstrate that the unit has-been mastered. Remediation may be required. No extra credit will be awarded for the additional work.
Attendance at scheduled classes is mandatory. The courses in this program are comprehensive, and attendance is essential to enable students to grasp critical concepts, enrich their knowledge base through group discussions, and learn and practice clinical skills and nursing competencies.
Missed quizzes and exams must be made up within 48 hours of the scheduled test and students will not be admitted to the classroom if testing has begun.
Students are responsible to arrive on time, be prepared for each class, having completed all reading and written assignments.
Students are required to actively participate in class. Ten percent of the course grade will be based on class participation. Absence or tardiness will impact the class participation grade.
Student must successfully meet all the course objectives and complete all the required assignments of the course in a timely manner.

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