

Students are expected to attend all scheduled class meetings for courses in which they are enrolled. Students should consult their student’s handbook as well as their course syllabi for attendance policies. Normally, in the case of excused class absences, the instructor may but is not obligated to allow students to complete examinations, missed assignments, or additional make-up work to offset absences. Students with special attendance requests, such as major religious holiday observances, or unforeseen life emergencies, such as serious illness or accidents, are usually allowed to make up class assignments or tests. Students are expected, when possible, to inform the instructor in advance of an absence and to make arrangements for missed work.

The following attendance procedures must be followed:

Classroom attendance is expected. The instructional faculty for that course will determine the attendance policy in lecture courses. The individual syllabus will reflect the necessary requirements for attendance to be successful in that course.

In courses with a lab component, attendance is mandatory. Students are responsible for the entire content. Students are expected to problem solve and take responsibility for any missed classroom materials, skills, videos etc. The individual syllabus will reflect the necessary requirements for attendance to be successful in that course and can be revised at any time, based on the class learning ability.

In a clinical course, attendance is mandatory. The individual syllabus will reflect the specific requirements for attendance to be successful in that course and can be revised at any time at the discretion of the College.


Excessive absences or tardiness will result in withdrawal from the program.

A student who has 1 hour(s) or more of absence(s) or tardiness per quarter must attend a counseling session with the instructor.

Tardiness will be documented at 15-minute increments i.e., if theory session starts at 8:00am and the students arrives at 8:01am, 15 minutes will be deducted from the student attendance.

Students can be withdrawn from the program after a total of 8 hours of absence per quarter at the discretion of the Program Director or Administrator.

If a student has been absent or tardy, they must report to the instructor 30 minutes prior to the scheduled theory or clinical rotation(s). Student must schedule an appointment with the instructor regarding missed assignments.

All make-up assignments must be completed within 1 day after returning to class. If the makeup assignments are not completed within 1 day a zero for the assignment(s) will be given.

It is the student responsibility to notify the instructor two hours prior to absence or tardiness.

All make up hours must be pre-approved by the instructor, Program Director, or Administrator. Make up time is not guaranteed due to the availability of the clinical space and time constraints. The limited clinical or theory make-up hours must be made up in the same quarter that the absence occurred at a student (s) cost of $45.00 per hour at the discretion of the instructor, Program Director, or Administrator.

Excused Absences:

The College identifies the following absences as excused:

The Director of Nursing may waive personal illness or the illness of a child with a physician’s written verification however absences that total more than 5% of total in class required time will not be excused and can result in dismissal from the course which will result in failure of the course. Death in the immediate family of the student, this includes the death of a parent, child, sibling, spouse, partner, or grandparent.

The Director of Nursing may waive personal illness or the illness of a child with a physician’s written verification however absences that total more than 5% of total in class required time will not be excused and can result in dismissal from the course which will result in failure of the course. Death in the immediate family of the student, this includes the death of a parent, child, sibling, spouse, partner, or grandparent.

Clinical Attendance:

Clinical laboratory (lab), and simulation experiences are considered clinical course hours. Specific guidelines are included in the course syllabi. It is expected that the student attends all sessions timely. Punctuality to clinical, laboratory, and simulation sessions is mandatory. Tardiness is defined as arriving one minute later than the assigned time. The following is required of all nursing program students:

Attendance is required for the total scheduled clinical/lab/simulation time. Students will be counted absent if they leave clinical/lab/simulation for any reason.

Clinical/lab/simulation absences of greater than two clinical days in course will result in failure of the course. This includes absence from scheduled make-up sessions.

The instructor keeps a documented record of attendance.

A “no-call/no-show” event is an incident of not calling or coming to clinical/lab/simulation. One “No- Call/no-show” event equals two absences.

Three tardiness equals one absence.

A student may be in jeopardy of failure if absent more than 10% of the clinical/lab/simulation experience.

Students must present to clinical/lab/simulation fit for duty.

Sleeping during clinical hours is strictly prohibited and is considered a critical incident. Cell phone use during clinical hours is strictly prohibited.

In the event a student will be absent or tardy for clinical/lab/simulation, the student is required to contact the instructor and the assigned unit at least two hours prior to the scheduled time of the clinical/lab/simulation experience.

Leave of Absence

A student may be granted a leave of absence for up to six months; the department head must approve the leave. A request for a leave of absence must be in writing, and the date of expected return must be specified. If the student does not re-enter within the specified time and has not notified the school, the student’s contract will be terminated. No refund will be granted according to the College’s refund policy. Authorized leave of absence periods will not be counted toward maximum time frame calculation.

Inclement Weather

All nursing classes will be held as usual at Premiere International College, weather permitting. In the event the college closes due to inclement weather, clinical activities will be cancelled as well. The clinical instructor or designee will notify students.

If you do not hear from your clinical instructor and the school is not closed, the clinical session will meet as scheduled.

If you have any questions, call your clinical instructor before you leave home. If you are unable to attend clinical, be sure to follow the appropriate notification procedure.

Other Related Policies

Policies that are related to the current policy.

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