Remedial Education

Remedial Education

The remediation process is intended to help the student make up deficiencies in nursing skills and/or knowledge. This process may be implemented any time a student’s weakness is identified in class or clinical experiences. Any nursing student who fails to meet the program expectation and requirements is in jeopardy of not completing the nursing program. In the event of a referral, an “Action Plan” for remediation to determine the student’s readiness to remain in the nursing program will be developed by a committee consisting of the student’s clinical or classroom instructor, program director, and administration.
Referral forms will be completed by the referring instructor and will be submitted to the program director. The referring instructor will notify the student of the referral, and then the student may contact the program director for further instruction or information.
A formal plan will be developed and the student will be required to attend and sign the plan to demonstrate that he/she understands the plan and agrees to follow it.
A referral may delay the student’s progression through the program. Plans are individualized for each student and may include, but will not be limited to, the following examples:
The student may be required to complete additional activities for remediation as recommended. Failure to follow and successfully complete the prescribed remediation plan developed for the referred student may result in the student’s inability to continue in the nursing program at Premiere International College.
The following tools are utilized to identify student weakness (but not limited) to the following:
* Any need for tutoring outside of the remediation process will be paid for by the student.

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