Registering Complaints Against College Employees

Registering Complaints against College Employees

Grievance Procedures
If any student deems it necessary to file a grievance against a Premiere International College employee he or she must report such incident to the Executive Director. Every effort will be made to protect the privacy of any parties involved. The student is entitled and encouraged to have an informal discussion with the Director of Student Services as a first step. If an informal conversation does not result in a satisfactory resolution, or if you are not comfortable speaking about the matter with the Director of Student Services, then the student should discuss the situation with the employee’s supervisor or the Executive Director. In cases of discrimination or sexual harassment, PIC encourages the student to go directly to the Director of Nursing. Any complaint that is not in writing, that is, a verbal complaint, is considered an informal complaint.
After an informal discussion, if the student wishes to file a formal grievance, he/she may submit such in writing to the Director of Nursing. However, before filing a formal charge, the complaining party should first make a good faith effort to meet and confer with the party against whom he or she has a complaint to resolve the matter. The formal report should contain a statement of the problem or complaint, the facts and details of the situation, pertinent dates and the names and positions of the parties involved. The grievance must be signed and dated. Also, the student may withdraw a complaint at any time during the complaint process. A withdrawal must be made in writing to the Director of Nursing.
Upon receipt of a written formal complaint by a student, the Director of Nursing will consider the complaint. After such an investigation, Director of Nursing will decide as to whether the grievance has merit as alleged. If the alleged grievance is deemed justified, PIC will take whatever steps it deems appropriate to correct any grievance suffered by the complainant.
Dispute Resolution: Any disputes or controversies between the parties arising out of or relating to the student’s recruitment, enrollment, attendance, education or career service assistance by the College or to this Agreement shall be resolved first through the grievance policy published in the catalog. If the dispute is not resolved in accordance with the procedures outlined in the College catalog to the satisfaction of the student, outside arbitration may be used. Any outside arbitration must strictly follow the protocol set forth by law. An outside arbitrator may award monetary damages but shall not have any authority to award punitive damages or to alter any grade issued to a student. The parties shall bear their own costs and expenses. The parties also shall bear an equal share of the fees and costs of the arbitration, which include but are not limited to the fees and costs of the arbitrator, unless the parties agree otherwise, or the arbitrator determines otherwise in the award. Except as may be required by law, neither a party nor an arbitrator may disclose the existence, content, or results of any such arbitration without the prior written consent of both parties.
Student Complaint/Grievance Procedure: Student detailed complaint/ grievance procedure can be found in the College Catalog. If the complaint has not been resolved by the staff of Premiere International College to the satisfaction of the student, the complaint may be referred to:

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)

3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850 Atlanta, GA 30326 Ph: (404)-975-5000

Florida Commission for Independent Education

325 W. Gaines Street Suite 1414 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400; Ph.: (850)-245-3200

Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS)

1350 Eye Street, NW, Suite 560, Washington DC 20005; Ph.: 202-336-6780

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    Executive Director

    Phone number 123 0039 68886

    Government Authorities

    Phone number 123 0039 68886