Academic Intervention Disclosure

Academic Intervention Disclosure

The faculty and staff at Premiere International College is committed to student success and aspire for all students to perform well academically. The Academic Intervention Program at Premiere International College is a proactive process to promote successful “end-of-term” and “end of program” academic performance. Students failing to maintain the required weekly performance benchmarks or are repeating a course will be referred to an Academic Intervention Services Advisor to be placed on academic intervention or academic probation for those whose GPA fall below a 2.5 GPA.
Students placed on intervention or probation will be given an Academic Improvement Plan (AIP) from the Academic Intervention Services (AIS) which is branch of The Student Services Department that provides students with additional instruction which supplements the instruction provided in the general curriculum and assists students in meeting required benchmarks.
"Intervention" A proactive action to prevent the student from failing a course or failing out of the program.
"Remediation" refers to strategies beyond the standard course teaching, learning, and assessment approaches, designed and implemented during the conduct of the course, to address less-than-satisfactory performance and/or missed course work that jeopardizes overall course success.
"Tutor " This in individual who works with Academic Intervention Services and provides individual or group remediation assistance in specific areas. A Tutor can be a student who excels in specific subject, a person who has completed academic course work in areas they want to tutor and must have gone the school’s Core Remediation program. The Individual must have been deemed capable of tutoring students.
"Remediation Faculty " refers to General Education and Nursing instructors who work with the Academic Intervention Services and provide remediation to students.
Academic Improvement Plan (AIP)
  • The Academic Improvement Plan (AIP) is a personal and specific plan of action designed by Academic Intervention Services Advisor and the student.
  • The Academic Intervention Services Advisor will help the student follow the plan throughout the intervention or probationary period.
  • The AIP offers processes for desired academic goals and remediation plans
  • The AIP contains School and student-initiated courses of action designed to improve grade point average including tutoring needs, attendance guidelines, learning styles, and study skills assessment.

Policy and Procedures for Intervention for Student Success

A number of performance-related situations may trigger the process of intervention, including, but not limited
  • Failing to meet a weekly average of Seventy-Five percent (75%) on all tests and quizzes for ALL core Nursing courses with the exception of Pharmacology.
  • Failing to maintain an Eighty (75% percent weekly average on Tests and Quizzes in Pharmacology Core Nursing courses
  • Students who fail a course and are repeating a course.
  • Performance at a level lower than “C” on a graded exam or major project, performance below a minimum threshold set by an instructor for a given assessment, cumulative achievement at a level lower than “C“ in a course at the end of week seven, and other achievement gaps on specific activities as defined in the course syllabus.
  • Students who have been placed on probation for Failing to meet SAP guidelines.
  • Students who fail to submit weekly assignments for all courses.
  • Students who fail to meet Satisfactory Clinical Performance.

Intervention or Probation Process

  1. The Instructor and Student Services Officers will Identify all students who perform below the defined course-specific minimum level requirements and notify the Academic Intervention Services (AIS) Department weekly.
  2. To begin the intervention the Academic Intervention Services (AIS) Department must contact the each individual student to arrange for an in-person or by zoom interview.
  3. The private interview will take place with an Academic Intervention Services Advisor and will provide an opportunity for frank discussion of student-specific factors affecting performance. The goal is to identify the need for:
    • Alternative methods/reviews with the relevant course Tutors, faculty to support content learning, preparation for examinations/activities, and/or tutoring through the school’s Remediation Services.
    • Academic Remediation Resources Available through Library Services Department
    • For professional assistance with time management, work hour management, professional commitment, and personal issues.
  1. Academic Intervention Services Advisor will then work with the student to develop an Academic Improvement Plan (AIP). The AIP will detail the students’ needs what needs to be done for the student to be removed from the Intervention program as well as the consequences for failing to meet intervention requirements.
  2. There is a mandatory tutoring/remediation of three (3) minimum to five (5) hours per week for students placed on AIP for failing a course or for failing Quizzes and Tests.
  3. It is the responsibility of the student to schedule tutoring with his/her instructors or Tutors as well as provide a signed attendance sheet by the instructor or Tutor confirming compliance to policy that will be submitted to the Academic Intervention Services Officer at the end of the Intervention Review Period
  4. The student will be required to follow their Academic Improvement Plan (AIP) and attend any remediation sessions stipulated in plan and complete any remediation assignments.
  5. All Individuals Intervention involved in the student’s Academic Intervention Plan are required to observe confidentiality of student information consistent with academic policies.

Length of Intervention Period

The student placed on an academic intervention plan will be placed on the plan for the whole semester or the period of the course they have been placed on academic intervention for. Academic Intervention Services will meet with student during stipulated review periods to discuss progress.

Intervention Monitoring Activities

To facilitate learning, continuity and progress the intervention process will include, but not be limited to:
  • Regular Engagement and weekly meetings with relevant course faculty, Tutors, and Academic Intervention Services Officers to monitor student progress
  • Student Progress Reports
  • Faculty review of the exam/assignment with the student to identify areas for improvement of comprehension or application of the knowledge and skills.
  • Consideration of additional assessments to promote learning of competencies identified through exam/activity performance as areas for improvement
  • The Academic Intervention Services Officers shares the written and signed AIP (singed by the student) and the student progress with relevant course faculty, Tutors until the plan is completed

Intervention Review Period Process

  • Each Academic Intervention Plan is Reviewed every two (2) weeks for General Education Nursing Courses, Courses Six (6) weeks or Less every Four (4) weeks for Core Nursing Courses.
  • Every Four (4) weeks for Core Nursing Courses.
  • The Academic Intervention Services Officer will meet with Faculty and Staff involved in academics to discuss the AIP and the student’s progress. These meeting will take place weekly and will have recorded meeting minutes.
  • The Academic Intervention Services Officer will meet with the student at the end of each review period to review student progress and make modification plan were necessary.
  • The Academic Intervention Services Officer will meet the Faculty and Staff involved in academics at the end of semester or course to discuss the students’ progress, to discuss recommendations and to decide if the student must be placed on further intervention.
  • The Academic Intervention Services Officer will meet the student after meeting with Faculty and Staff at the end of semester or course to discuss the students’ progress, to give recommendation or to place student on further intervention.
  • Students who the Academic Intervention Services Officer deems have successfully completed the Intervention Program successfully will receive a written notification discharging them from Academic Intervention and closing their AIP.
  • Students who the Academic Intervention Services Officer deems have not completed the Intervention Program successfully or need further intervention to be successful in other courses will may recommend for further intervention.
  • The Academic Intervention Services Officer will meet with Faculty and Staff involved in academics to discuss the AIP and the student’s progress. These meeting will take place weekly and will have recorded meeting minutes.
  • The Academic Intervention Services Officer will meet with the student at the end of each review period to review student progress and make modification plan were necessary.
  • The Academic Intervention Services Officer will meet the Faculty and Staff involved in academics at the end of semester or course to discuss the students’ progress, to discuss recommendations and to decide if the student must be placed on further intervention.
  • The Academic Intervention Services Officer will meet the student after meeting with Faculty and Staff at the end of semester or course to discuss the students’ progress, to give recommendation or to place student on further intervention.
  • Students who the Academic Intervention Services Officer deems have successfully completed the Intervention Program successfully will receive a written notification discharging them from Academic Intervention and closing their AIP.
  • Students who the Academic Intervention Services Officer deems have not completed the Intervention Program successfully or need further intervention to be successful in other courses may recommend for further intervention.

Student Responsibilities

  1. Academic Intervention Services (AIS) Department will contact the student. The student must respond and schedule an appointment to meet with the Academic Intervention Services Officer within three (3) business days.
  2. Students must participate in the development of the intervention plan and then sign the intervention plan to indicate in writing their acceptance or rejection of the plan
  3. Students must follow the implementation steps developed in the intervention plan
  4. Any student who does not meet with the Academic Intervention Services (AIS) Department as outlined in #1 or a student who rejects in writing the intervention plan, or chooses, at any time, not to participate in the agreed-upon and signed intervention plan:
  • Will be referred to the Dean of Nursing who will monitor the student’s performance in all courses in the term.
  • If the student fails, the course or fails any other courses they may forfeit any future considerations to repeat courses.
  • Participation in an agreed-upon intervention plan is not a guarantee of academic success (overall course grade of “C- “or better) at the end of the term. However, participation will be taken into consideration if the students petition to repeat courses failed
  • The student will not be allowed the privilege of retaking their Mid -Term or their Final examinations. The student will only be allowed one attempt for each Mid Term and one attempt for each Final for each course.
  • Students who reject or fail to follow academic intervention plan may denied program reentry.

Other Related Policies

Policies that are related to the current policy.

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