Photography and Photo Release Policy

Photography and Photo Release Policy

Use of Images and Works: The College may use his/her name, voice, image, likeness, and biographical facts, and any materials produced as a student while enrolled at the College, without any further approval or payment, unless prohibited by law. The student acknowledges that the foregoing permission includes the right to tape and photograph him or her and to record his or her voice, conversation and sounds for use in any manner or medium in connection with any advertising, publicity, or other information relating to the College. As a condition of their employment with PIC, our faculty and staff are required to consent to be photographed and grant a perpetual, royalty-free and irrevocable license to PIC with respect to reproduction, display or other use of any photographs regarding their employment with PIC. Students, as a condition of their enrollment and attendance at PIC, also consent to be photographed on campus and grant a perpetual, royalty-free and irrevocable license to PIC with respect to reproduction, display or other use of any photographs depicting them on campus or regarding their coursework at PIC.
Still or video photo shoots may be informal (candid shots of campus scenes, athletic events, performance groups, large groups or activities) or formal (planned visits to classrooms, laboratories or offices; directory shoots or athletics headshots with professional backgrounds; or video shoots on campus) in nature. All such photographic images taken by PIC faculty or staff and the copyrights with respect thereto are and/or become the property of Premiere International College.
The digital photos or video footage are added to the College’s library of images, which becomes a resource for the College’s Web site and publications.
Faculty members are encouraged to inform classes of the impending photo shoot. The faculty member will be supplied with an announcement to be made to the class with suggestions for making the photo shoot proceed as efficiently as possible.
The faculty member is asked to permit the photographer to make an announcement upon arrival at the classroom. The photographer will introduce himself, briefly explain his purpose and allow students who wish not to be photographed to move to a part of the room that will not be included in the photos. Students not wishing to participate must inform the photographer of their unwillingness prior to the photograph being taken.
Students participating in a photo shoot are giving their permission for the photos to be used as the College sees fit by participating in the photo shoot. Students are permitted to opt out of the photo shoot if that is their choice; by informing the photographer in advance of the photo being taken and removing themselves from the photo shoot area.
Ways to opt Out of Photos Being Published Directory Listings: Faculty and staff may choose not to publish their photos (or personal information) by making their preference known in writing to the staff of the Department of Student Affairs at PIC.

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    Phone number 123 0039 68886

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