Computer Use Policy

Computer Use

PIC computing facilities are provided for the use of PIC users. All computer users are responsible for using the facilities in an effective, efficient, ethical, and lawful manner. The College views the use of computer facilities as a privilege, not a right, and seeks to protect legitimate computer users by imposing sanctions on those who abuse the privilege.
This policy provides guidelines for the appropriate and inappropriate use of the computing resources of PIC. It applies to all users of the College's computing resources, including students, faculty, employees, alumni, and guests of the college. Computing resources include all computers, related equipment, software, data and local area networks for which the College is responsible.
The computing resources of PIC are intended to be used to conduct the legitimate business as PIC. All users must have proper authorization for the use of the College's computing resources. Users are responsible for seeing that these computing resources are used in an effective, ethical and legal manner. Users must apply standards of acceptable academic and professional ethics and considerate conduct to their use of the College's computing resources. Users must be aware of the legal and moral responsibility for ethical conduct in the use of computing resources. Users have a responsibility not to abuse the network and resources and to respect the privacy, copyrights and intellectual property rights of others.
Computer hardware and software are the property of PIC and the student is responsible for taking precautions against importing computer viruses or doing other harm to the computer. It is prohibited to copy College- purchased or leased software.

Computer Use Policy

The following rules apply to all users of the PIC’s computers. Violations of any of these rules may be possibly unlawful. An individual’s computer use privileges may be suspended immediately upon the discovery of a possible violation of these rules:

Other Related Policies

Policies that are related to the current policy.

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    Executive Director

    Phone number 123 0039 68886

    Government Authorities

    Phone number 123 0039 68886