Enrolment Termination Policy

Enrolment Termination Disclosure

The success of Student: The Student’s individual success or satisfaction is not guaranteed, and is dependent upon the Student’s individual efforts, abilities and application of himself/herself to the requirements of the College.
Student’s Failure to Meet Obligations: The College reserves the right to terminate a Student’s enrollment for failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress, failure to pay tuition or fees by applicable deadlines, disruptive behavior, posing a danger to the health or welfare of students or other members of the College community, or failure to abide by the College policies and procedures. The College can discontinue a student’s enrollment status, not issue grades, and deny requests for transcripts should a student fail to meet all of his/her financial and Collegial obligations.
PIC reserves the right to terminate payment agreement at any time if the student is not current on payments or fees due PIC. If PIC exercises this right, the student will be dropped from class (is). Failure to pay any debt to PIC will also result in holds being placed on grades, transcript requests, and registration for subsequent academic terms, and graduation.
Refunds, if any, will be handled by the College and will not be issued until 30 days after the last day of the add- and-drop period. As noted, enrollment fees and returned payment fees are nonrefundable. If this agreement is terminated, PIC will attempt to notify you immediately via the e-mail address PIC has on file. If the e-mail address is invalid, a letter will be mailed. If a payment is returned, a $30 returned payment fee will be accessed.
Fulfillment of Financial Obligations
Prior to any student advancing to the final course of the program, the student is required to meet 90% of the contracted financial amount. If the student’s account does not reflect 90% satisfaction, the student will not be eligible to enroll in the course for completion of the program.

Termination of the Enrollment of the Student

The following are Situation or circumstances that may result in the termination of the enrollment of the student

A. Failure to meet Academic Requirements and Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Students failing more than Two (2) courses will be terminated from the program of study. This Policy Applies to ALL pre-licensure programs.

Students failing more than Three (3) courses will be terminated from the program of study for ALL Post Licensure programs

Students must maintain a 75% for all nursing courses with the exceptions of Pharmacology theory and dosage examination where students are required to receive an 80%. This policy applies to ALL pre-licensure programs

Students must maintain a 75% or higher for ALL post Licensure programs.

Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA or higher

Students must complete coursework at a cumulative rate of 80%. Completed coursework is defined as any course for which the student receives a passing grade.

Students at Premiere International College are not allowed to attempt more than 150% of the clock or credits hours in their program.

B. Academic Dishonesty Requirements

Academic dishonesty includes the following and any other forms of academic dishonesty:


Using or attempting to use crib sheets, electronic sources, stolen exams, unauthorized study aids in an academic assignment or assessment, or copying or colluding with a fellow student in an effort to improve one's grade.


Falsifying, inventing, or misstating any data, information, or citation in an academic assignment, field experience, academic credentials, job application or placement file.


Using the works (i.e., words, images, other materials) of another person as one's own words without proper citation in any academic assignment. Plagiarism includes submission (in whole or in part) of any work purchased or downloaded from a website or an internet paper clearinghouse. Self-plagiarism -- submitting work to a course that was previously submitted to the same or a different course -- is also considered a form of plagiarism.

Facilitating Academic Dishonesty

Assisting or attempting to assist any person to commit any act of academic misconduct, such as allowing someone to copy a paper or test answers

The following are behavior will not be accepted during testing

Copying from or collaborating with another student during a test.

Selling, buying, or illegally obtaining part of or all test administered by the school.

Allowing another person to take a test or complete an assignment

Taking a test or completing an assignment for someone else.

Using unauthorized notes during a test

Copying or taking pictures of the test or notes without authorization.

Collaborating with another on an online examination.

The unauthorized use of possession of a class textbook. Notes, or any other material to complete or prepare an academic work.

The unauthorized collaboration with any other person on an academic exercise, including collaboration on a take-home or make-up academic exercise.

The unauthorized use of electronic instruments, such as cell phones, smartphones, smart watches, tables, smart glasses, PDAs, translators, or personal response systems (clickers) to access or share information.

Knowing that someone has cheated and NOT reporting it to the institution. This may be difficult for some to comply with but withholding this information from the school and abetting cheating and thus you too are cheating

Unusual behavior during a Quiz, Test or Exam which may include the following

Minimizing the browser.

Resizing the browser.

Open a new tab.

Open a new program.

Taking a screenshot. (Desktop)

Pressing Ctrl + C.

Pressing Ctrl + V.

Pressing Print Screen (PrntScrn)

Pressing F12

Unusual behavior when Artificial Intelligence based video proctoring is enabled.

Less visibility in the room, the room must be well lit

Face, Neck and Shoulders not clearly visible

Living the Testing area during a test

Side face found in testing area

Another person found in testing area

Mobile phone found in testing area

Use of third-party applications during the exam

Other Objects found such as book, paper, pen, water bottle glass, Inhalers, Vapers, and any objects not approved prior to testing.

Unusual behavior during Live Testing and Live Proctoring Off Campus

Testing areas must be well lit and clearly visible

Talking or whispering aloud during the exam is not permitted.

The student’s face, chin to forehead, shoulders, needs to be always in the camera view.

The student may not have anyone else in your testing location with you.

Additional noises, including other people talking to the student, while the student is in the exam are not allowed.

The student’s eyes should always stay on the screen at all times while testing.

The student is only permitted materials allowed by your instructor during testing

The student is not permitted to take pictures or screenshots of the exam.

The student is not permitted to Copy and paste any elements of the exam

The student is not permitted to utilize virtual machines or third-party application during the exam.

Utilizing a secondary monitor: The student is only allowed to use one monitor attached to one computer during your exam.

C. Failure to meet Attendance requirements

 The are no excused Absences in the School. Students are expected to attend all classes, Laboratory activities and Clinical Rotations. Students are expected to attend for the full duration of all regularly scheduled campus and hybrid classes. Premiere International College requires all faculty to take attendance during each class period, generally in the form of a sign-in sheet, and to record it accurately on their permanent roster. An academic week for Residential, Hybrid and online courses is from Sunday 12:00 am EST to Sunday at 11:59 pm EST (7 calendar days). Attendance Requirements for the School include:

Course Specific Attendance Requirements

A student cannot miss more than Two (2) days of Face-to-face Synchronous Classroom Lectures for each course for ALL Pre-Licensure Residential and Hybrid programs. Absences beyond two in a course may lead to administrative withdrawal from the course

Students who are Five (5) minutes late for Class will not be allowed to attend class and this will count as an absence.

ALL Hybrid courses are web enhanced. This means all courses consist of face-to-face Synchronous activities followed by online/distance portion. Online portion of hybrid courses will include Discussion Posts, Papers, White Board Discussions, Journals, and other assigned homework. If a student fails to submit required assignments or participate in the online/distance assignments for Two (2) weeks, he or she will may withdrawn from the course. For purposes of this policy, online assignments for Hybrid classes consists of the online/distance activities accompanying face-to-face weekly class sessions.

ALL Online/Distance Homework/Assignments will have specific deadlines. It is the school policy that any assignment accepted late by the instructor will accrue a 10% penalty.

In the case of an anticipated absence, such as military deployment, the student should contact the instructor in advance and Registrar to arrange a Leave of Absence.

In case of an emergency (illness/accident or death in family), a student should contact the instructor and Registrar to arrange a Leave of Absence as soon as possible with documentation.

Students at Premiere International College are not allowed to attempt more than 150% of the clock or credits hours in their program.

Online Attendance

Students are required to log in to each online course by the second day during the week in which the course officially begins, or the day enrolled during late registration to complete the initial introductory postings required in the course.

Students who fail to submit required assignments or participate in the online/distance assignments for Three (3) weeks, he or she maybe administratively withdrawn from the course.

ALL Online/Distance Homework/Assignments will have specific deadlines. It is the school policy that any assignment accepted late by the instructor will accrue a 10% penalty.

As a component of attendance student email, course announcements and discussion forums should be checked frequently (daily is recommended). The student is solely responsible for checking updates related to the course.

In the case of an anticipated absence, such as military deployment, the student should contact the instructor in advance and make arrangements to complete the required assignments.

In case of an emergency (illness/accident or death in family), a student should contact the instructor as soon as possible providing documentation supporting the need for any late submission of a graded event.

D. Established standards of conduct, as outlined in the school catalog.

Laboratory and Clinical Attendance Requirements

1. A student cannot miss more than One the First (1st) Laboratory, Simulation or Clinical Day (There will be no exceptions made). On the Second (2nd) absence the student will be dismissed from the program. This policy applies to ALL Pre-Licensure programs

2. Students who are Five (5) minutes late for Class will not be allowed to attend Laboratory, simulation, or Clinical Day and this will count as an absence.

Online Attendance Requirements

Student attendance for fully online courses is defined as active participation in the course as described in the individual course syllabus. Online courses will, at a minimum, have weekly mechanisms for student participation no more frequently than daily, which can be documented by any or all of the following methods:

Completion of tests or quizzes

Discussion forums

Submission/completion of assignments

Communication with the instructor

Major offenses are lesser violations than critical offenses but may require immediate disciplinary suspension from school for a first offense (for no more than three school days)

Other Related Policies

Policies that are related to the current policy.

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