Admission Disqualifying Offenses

Under Florida Statute (F.S.), Chapter 435 and Florida Statute (F.S.), Chapter 408.809, If a person is found to have a new disqualifying offense, or is arrested for any of these offenses, he/she is not eligible to work in a position that requires screening unless an exemption is granted.

Right to Respond to Adverse Report

The prospective student or matriculant will be asked to review any adverse information and to provide a written response for either the Admissions Committee or the Criminal History Review Committee, respectively. When appropriate, an in-person meeting may be requested to answer questions

Other Related Policies

Policies that are related to the current policy.

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    Report Violations

    Executive Director

    Phone number 123 0039 68886

    Government Authorities

    Phone number 123 0039 68886