Student Understanding on the Nursing Program Policy

Student Understanding on the Nursing Program Policy

Verification of Student Understanding regarding the Nursing Program Rigor and Demands and Policies supporting program matriculation

Premiere International College recognizes that an essential element necessary to assure that our graduates are safe entry and level nurses and demonstrate professionalism and clear understanding of their profession is intellectual rigor.
Nursing Students must understand the demands associated with the Premiere International College nursing curricula. Students are expected to complete:
Students can therefore acknowledge that have been provided information regarding program requirements for intellectual rigor and demand. Students need to clearly understand that matriculation into the Premiere International College nursing program will require intentional effort to meet the program demands as noted above to successfully complete the program and graduate.

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We're glad to hear you are interested in learning more about PICollege. Before we get started, please let us know what type of student you're interested in becoming.

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