Student Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct

Personal integrity and honesty are essential attributes for all students. The following are examples of unprofessional behavior judged to be unacceptable for the student at PIC. If these behaviors occur, it can be ground for termination from the Programs by the Program Director or Administrator. These behaviors include but are not limited to the following:
If patient safety is compromised, the nursing facility or the instructor has the discretion and authority to remove a student from the clinical site.
Any breach of integrity or honesty may be grounds for failure of a course(s).
If a second incident occurs, the Program Director or Administrator will evaluate the eligibility of the student to continue the programs.
Students will be asked to leave the classroom or clinical site and report to the Program Director or Administrator when displaying inappropriate disruptive behavior. Examples of inappropriate behavior, but not limited to using profanity, threatening classmates, faculty, or patients is not tolerated in the classroom or clinical sites. Continuously disruptive or talking out in class without being recognized by the instructor or sleeping or nodding in the classroom or clinical site and disrespectful speech or action that is offensive. The use of a computer without the authorization of the theory or clinical instructor, non-cooperative or argumentative behavior will not be tolerated. Students should address staff members, fellow students, or other members by Mr., Mrs., MS, or Dr. Never addresses individuals by granny, dearie, Hun, or similar term(s).
English is the primary language. English must be used always while on PIC premises, or clinical site(s). PIC or the Clinical Site(s) has the right to dismiss the student.
Breach of HIPAA Laws is grounds for termination.

Academic Dishonesty

Cheating and Plagiarism – Cheating is defined as the attempt, successful or not, to give or obtain aid and/or information by illicit means in meeting any academic requirements, including examinations. Cheating includes falsifying reports and documents. Plagiarism is defined as the use, without proper acknowledgment, of the ideas, phrases, sentences, or larger units of discourse from another writer or speaker. Plagiarism includes the unauthorized copying of software and the violation of copyright laws.
An incident of Cheating or Plagiarism upon which a faculty member may act will be an event which the faculty member witnesses or has written evidence to support. A faculty member must observe this evidence directly and may not act solely on the report of another party.
Procedures for Handling Cheating and Plagiarism Any faculty member discovering a case of suspected cheating or plagiarism should make a responsible effort to confront the student with the evidence within five (5) working days. If the student can explain the incident to the satisfaction of the faculty member, no further action is warranted. If the student denies cheating and the faculty member continues to believe cheating has occurred, the faculty member will send an Academic Dishonesty Form to the Director of Nursing. This form is available in the office of Students Affairs. The Director of Nursing or Students Services will hold a hearing in which the faculty member will present the evidence against the student. The Director of Nursing will decide who, in addition to the above, may be present at the hearing. The Director of Nursing or Students Services determine whether the evidence indicates that cheating/plagiarism has taken place.
If the student has admitted or has been found guilty of cheating or plagiarism, the following records will be kept:
The student may receive a failing grade for the course.
Responsibilities of Students Concerning Academic Dishonesty Students are responsible for knowing the policies regarding cheating and plagiarism and the penalties for such behavior. Failure of an individual faculty member to remind the student as to what constitutes cheating and plagiarism does not relieve the student of this responsibility.
Students must inform the faculty member if cheating or plagiarism is taking place.

Disciplinary Actions

Disciplinary Standings a student’s status about discipline is regulated by the following definitions, which are reflected in each student’s record kept at the Registration Department.

Good Standing

The status of good standing indicates that a student has been duly enrolled in the College and is eligible to participate in all activities of the PIC. A student is presumed to be in good standing unless the student engages in misconduct.


This status indicates that a student has been through the judicial process due to the seriousness of his/her conduct and has been cautioned that further behavior of the same or similar type will be cause for further disciplinary action by PIC.

Disciplinary Probation

This status indicates that the student’s behavior has raised questions concerning the student’s status as a member of the College community. The student will be given a stated period during which his/her conduct will establish whether he/she is to be returned to good standing by having met definite requirements in behavior or whether he/she is to be suspended or dismissed from PIC. The Director of Nursing may impose the sanction of disciplinary probation on a student.
A statement of offense and decision will be placed in the student’s file in the Registrar Department. If while on disciplinary probation a student is found responsible for a further infraction of College policies/regulations, the student will be subject to the possibility of suspension/expulsion from PIC.


This status indicates that the student’s behavior has raised questions concerning the student’s status as a member of the College community. The student will be given a stated period during which his/her conduct will establish whether he/she is to be returned to good standing by having met definite requirements in behavior or whether he/she is to be suspended or dismissed from PIC. The Director of Nursing may impose the sanction of disciplinary probation on a student.
A statement of offense and decision will be placed in the student’s file in the Registrar Department. If while on disciplinary probation a student is found responsible for a further infraction of College policies/regulations, the student will be subject to the possibility of suspension/expulsion from PIC.


This status, the most serious disciplinary action taken by the college, indicates the immediate, involuntary and permanent separation of a student from Premiere International College because of established gross misconduct on the part of student.
After notice of expulsion, a student must leave the campus immediately. The expelled student does not have the privilege to apply for readmission to Premiere International College. Statement of offense and decision will be placed in the student’s file in the Registration Department. A student’s transcript will include documentation of expulsion. A student dismissed for disciplinary reasons at any time shall not be entitled to any claim or refund.

Appeals to Disciplinary Standings

A student may appeal any of the above decisions in writing to the Executive Director within thirty (30) working days. If the appeal has not been resolved through the executive administration branch the students may contact the Commission for Independent Education at 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 1414, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 toll free telephone number 888-224- 6684.

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